This week on Hector's Electrics Exclusive Blog, we have EV Chargers in Hilton, Weatherproof double socket installed in Hilton and much more!

"EV CHARGERS, DOUBLE SOCKETS AND GARDEN ELECTRICS" is displayed above two images, one of Chris posing next to a ev charger, then next to that image is one of our workers installing garden electrics

New circuits installed for a garden in Etwall, there is a ton of wires, and the inside of the shell

First of all we went to install some new circuits for a garden in Etwall

A bathroom wall along with a Fused spur to power bathroom blow heater in Normanton

Next we installed this Fused spur to power bathroom blow heater in Normanton.

A double socket underneath a sink in a cuboard

Next we installed this new double socket installed under a sink in Hilton.

A circuit on a wall installed as a ew circuit installed for EV charger in hilton

This was a new circuit installed for EV charger in hilton

Weatherproof double socket installed in Hilton to power a 13amp hot tub, it is a double gray sized socket on a wall

Weatherproof double socket installed in Hilton to power a 13amp hot tub

Myenergi Zappi EV charger installed in Hilton

Chris is posing next to a Myenergi Zappi EV charger we installed in Hilton

a type of box on a wall in a garden, along with one of our electricians working on it

The final image of the garden electrics being worked on

To finish off this week we have one of our electricians installing some garden electrics in Etwall!

We hope you enjoyed this weeks blog, and we hope to see you again next week!